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Image by Sebastian Pociecha

Checklist for Booked Hunters


Please email us and bring a printed copy of any medical conditions, food requirements or allergies.


Additionally, your Taxidermist, clearance agent name, address, phone number and email.


Please forward your Airline travel, hotel, and trip planning details to our email as soon as your plans are finalized.


With the changes in NZ banking regulations, we can only accept wire transfers or credit card payments for hunt balances. If you choose to pay by credit card after the hunt, it will incur a 3% bank charge, which we unfortunately have to pass on to you.

Our preferred option is that prior to coming hunting, you enter the attached wire details into your banking records so the payment can be made while in NZ, on the completion of the hunt.


Ensure you have submitted your Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) - Non-residents traveling into New Zealand will require an Electronic Travel Authority. The application for an ETA is a simple 10 minute online process. This must be submitted prior to your arrival in New Zealand or you will not be allowed in. Please use the below link to access the Immigration NZ ETA information and application web page: 


All International travelers are required to have a valid passport to enter into New Zealand. If a passport must be obtained or renewed, please be sure to give yourself at minimum 10-14 weeks for processing.

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